Arms of Sorrow

by Killswitch Engage

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 7:19 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


As Daylight Dies

Song Author

Killswitch Engage

Tabbed by

Kwonnie -


1st → Lead Vocals II
2nd → Left Guitar
3rd → Bass Guitar
4th → Right Guitar
5th → Center Guitar
6th → Percussion
7th → Synth / Keyboard
8th → Acoustic Guitar
9th → Lead Vocals I
10th → FX / Sequencer

File Size

85 KB




Im-pri-soned, in-side this mind Hi-ding be-hind the emp-ty smiles So sim-ple As it mocks me Craw-ling back in-to the dark Run-ning, al-ways run-ning, in-to the di-stance Stop me be-fore I bleed, a-gain The e-choes of my voice Fol-low me down The sha-dows I cast Fol-low me down Dee-per I'm fal-ling In-to the arms of sor-row There must be se-re-ni-ty The e-choes of my voice Fol-low me down The sha-dows I cast Fol-low me down Dee-per I'm fal-ling In-to the arms of sor-row The de-mons of my own de-sign This hor-ror must not re-main Blind-ly de-scen-ding In-to the arms of sor-row There must be se-re-ni-ty There must be Dee-per I'm fal-ling Blind-ly de-scen-ding Dee-per I'm fal-ling